How Language Learning Can Improve Cybersecurity Awareness


Cybersecurity is a massively important field today and a crucial element of your business strategy. Cybercrime is constantly changing and evolving, and the threats we’re facing are innovative and different. Cybersecurity awareness thus needs to be improved and significantly boosted to make sure people are ready to recognize and fight malicious activities.

There are different ways to improve cybersecurity awareness, and language learning is one of them. It may seem confusing at first, but the connection between the two is strong. Keep reading to see how improving your language skills can also help you sharpen your expertise in cybersecurity.

Information & Resources

Let’s start with the basics. Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field, and you can never stop learning. If you do, the new trends, threats, and activities will surpass your knowledge, and you’ll be far from an expert. And with 34.5% of organizations experiencing attacks regularly, you’ll quickly become the victim.

To continue learning and stay fully informed, you need to use as many reliable resources as possible. Reading articles, blogs, academic publications, websites, and magazines is a great way to do it. But, if you spoke one more language, you could:

  • read foreign resources
  • watch foreign videos
  • join webinars and training held in that language

Simply put, you’d be able to learn so much more and continually raise your awareness.

Connections & Networking

Cyber threats and cybersecurity were both invented by people. Learning from other experts and sharing your knowledge is key to staying sharp. Still, limiting yourself to speaking with just those people who speak your native language would be a huge mistake.

Cyber threats are a global notion and are appearing all over the world. There are hundreds of experts scattered around the world that you could:

  • communicate with
  • learn from
  • collaborate with
  • share ideas with

This would make your multilingual cybersecurity knowledge way stronger, and you’d be aware of the threats that are active in other countries as well. This would allow you to prepare for them and not let anything surprise you.


Companies that deal with cybersecurity need to create diverse teams to cover all the areas and make sure they have eyes on every aspect of potential threats. These diverse teams typically involve:

  • people from different countries
  • remote work
  • online collaboration

Without proper communication between team members and solid teamwork, it wouldn’t be possible to achieve any results. This is why language learning would benefit you once again.

If you spoke the language of your teammates, you’d be able to establish uninterrupted and clear communication. You’d understand them more clearly and would feel more confident sharing your attitudes and feedback.

This would contribute to the overall teamwork and make every team member more knowledgeable and skillful.

Using New Cybersecurity Tools

Everyone who’s involved in cybersecurity knows that it’s the right tools and software that make the difference. Fighting cybercriminals isn’t possible without intelligent and modern tools that can recognize threats and prevent them from causing damage.

The more tools you know of, the better choices you can make to protect your business or your clients and help them preserve their security.

But, sometimes, the latest tools are launched in the native language of their country of origin and aren’t available in English. You could be missing out on some of the best new tools out there just because you don’t understand the language it’s been coded in.

Clearly, language learning would enable you to:

  • explore tools outside your primary speaking zone
  • try out the latest software
  • choose based on what’s best, not what you understand
  • make better recommendations to clients and partners

You don’t have to be fully fluent in the language to use their tools. TheWordPoint can help you with the parts you don’t understand. After a couple of days of actively using these tools, you’d understand more and be able to use them without stress.

Final Thoughts

Learning a new language is great for creating learning opportunities in the field of cybersecurity. There are more people to talk to and learn from, more resources to use, and more opportunities to practice your skills. As a result, your knowledge will be greatly improved, and you’d be working your way toward a cybersecurity expert.

Just remember – both language and cybersecurity learning requires constant work and can never be fully mastered. You just need to upgrade yourself one level at a time.

Author’s Bio

Ruby Butz is a language expert and a blogger. She writes about the benefits of speaking more than one language and how it opens doors to professional, social, and emotional success.

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